This article is relevant if you are thinking about how to create a NetSuite aged inventory report.
One of our clients came to us recently with a challenge to produce an aged inventory report. They have a crafty NetSuite Administrator on staff that comes to us for his company’s more difficult challenges. His goal was to limit the output to only include the most recent item receipts for items that are currently on-hand. The Administrator was able to get pretty close using Saved Searches.
He brought us a clear articulation of what he wanted. Here is an example of his request.
Widget-A Receipts: $50 Each Unit at Cost --------------------------------------- current to 60 Days = 10 Units Received 91 - 120 Days = 10 Units Received 121 - 180 Days = 10 Units Received 181 - 369 Days = 20 Units Received If we have 25 Units On-Hand I would expect to see in my Aging report: 0-60 61-120 121-180 181-360 361+ ------------------------------------------------------------ 10 10 5 0 0 0-60 61-120 121-180 181-360 361+ ------------------------------------------------------------- $500 $500 $250 $0 $ 0
See the related saved search definitions and output. The challenge is that you can’t get your hands easily on the right data elements to get both the quantity and costs factors all together as you are crossing transaction based time horizons with information too distant from reach.
Overcoming NetSuite Saved Search Challenges
NetSuite saved searches are quite good in that they bring the power of the database to the hands of many who do not need to learn conventional structured query language (SQL) database inquiries techniques. Yet the tool has challenges reaching joined information (the multiple hop challenge) and performing subsequent calculations once you get a result set (meaning, you want to take a result, perhaps an aggregate or summary, and further calculate another column — the classic example being calculating gross margin after producing total revenue and total costs). While we are hopeful for the new NetSuite SuiteAnalytics Workbook feature, my early evaluation shows some continued challenges that will need to continue to be overcome.
Solving the Aged Inventory with a SuiteLet
While we could have used our Content Renderer Engine tool to produce multiple searches and then put the presentation together into an HTML page or PDF (or other — it’s just structured strings), the client wanted to emulate some specific filtering techniques and introduce some different output options. Thus we solved it using the standard “Build a SuiteLet” approach.
Here, I present some screenshots to help you see what is possible without too much effort:
- Presentation of Filter Criteria: bring forth the key filtering elements. Using URL parameters, it is easy to recall these parameters for future use via bookmarks.
- Output Display Options: select the range of data to output; including parameterizing the aging buckets.
- Draw into NetSuite List: using NetSuite lists and grid, the output can be natively viewed and sorted.
- Export into CSV: present an option to export data into CSV convenient to take to Excel or other spreadsheets.
Click screenshots to get a larger image.
Demonstration of SuiteLet Technology to Emulate Saved Search Lists
We solved the challenge using a conventional technique available via the NetSuite platform. Thus my goal here is to help produce inspiration for others who seek to learn the NetSuite platform so it will unlock their potential. In our client’s case, they have a great administrator — every once in a while, it’s good to have NetSuite developer type around to “go that much further”. If you are looking for expert NetSuite assistance, let’s have a conversation.
I am looking for help on creating an inventory aging report. My phone number is 4797478543.
Hello Sankar,
Please reach out to us with your requirements via this link:
hi marty
have you been able to overcome the issue that when an item is purchased in a certain period bracket and then sold in another that you will accurately report on it?
what i mean is, imagine the following, item is first received 1 year ago, then sold two months ago and then received again two months ago
the on hand will now be 1, but have you been able to properly show this that based on FIFO allocation logic (not costing!) the item actually on hand is the one from 2 months ago, not 1 year ago?
if so, can you share a hint on how you managed to solve it?
Hi Ingo,
In FIFO, you walk the logic backward. Thus, you assess that the current inventory on hand came in two months ago and you keep walking back in time to explain the current on hand. If it was LIFO, you could argue start from the beginning of time or really, the last time that you had a zero balance.
hi marty, sorry for obviously not having been very clear. i am not talking about costing method really, but even in Average you expect the “physical” movements to follow FIFO logic, right? you explain this even above in your first premise, the customer request.
so i have tried to solve this requirement using only saved search without Suitelet and actually got quite close. The only problem i have (and it is a serious one) is that really inventory valuation should be calculated based on inbounds only (if possible) but it seems that Netsuite doesn’t offer a field to understand the “remaining quantity” of an inbound transaction without looking at the outbounds and counting against them.
With saved search i can’t really do this and i can just make a sum of inbound – outbound, but that doesn’t help in many cases.
Not sure if i explained it much better now?
let’s maybe clarify with an example. let’s assume i have the following movements:
60 – 120 days … qty 1 inbound
< 60 days … qty 1 inbound, qty 1 outbound
if i now construct the saved view to work on every aging bracket this would leave the result to show:
on hand = 1 (which is correct)
BUT it would show the qty in the aging bracket of 60 – 120, which is NOT correct
this was the issue i was referring to when i asked as to whether you addressed that and if so i guess this can only be done by coding, correct?
Hello Ingo,
This is a bit challenging to understand. If you would rather, contact me here so we can set up a conversation:
I am interest in the Inventory Aging report. I would like more information.
Hello Felix,
Please contact us so we can discuss how I can help you get this tool: