Marty Zigman - The NetSuite Expert

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NetSuite Account Special Types Reference

Accounting NetSuite


This article is meaningful if you are performing saved searches and you want to get at specific capacities in NetSuite data based on account type usage.


In a recent article, How To: NetSuite Stock Inventory Movement and In-Transit, I used a NetSuite lookup based on the General Ledger Special Account type representing Inventory and Inventory-in-Transit.  When solving for the challenge, I did not reference accounts directly.  Instead, the key to many inquiries is not to use the general ledger account; rather use the account type.  Thus, the more I thought about it, it was clear that the Special Account Types used in Saved Searches joining with the Account table might unlock a world of capacities.

Table of NetSuite General Ledger Special Account Types

The following is the table of NetSuite general ledger Special Account Types that can be used to help you discover key information.  The key is to use the Special Account Type presented in Saved Searches when performing a join (Updated October 19, 2019).

2019.2 Special Type System Account Name Account Type
1 AcctPay Accounts Payable Accounts Payable
2 AcctRec Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable
3 AccumDeprec Accumulated Depreciation Deferred Expense
4 AdvPaid Advances Paid Other Current Asset
5 COGS Cost of Goods Sold Cost of Goods Sold
6 CommPay Commissions Payment * Other Current Liability
7 CTA-E Cumulative Translation Adjustment-Elimination Equity
8 CumulTransAdj Cumulative Translation Adjustment Equity
9 CustAuth Customer Payment Authorizations * Other Current Asset
10 CustDep Customer Deposit Other Current Liability
11 DeferExpense Deferred Expense Deferred Expense
12 DeferRevenue Deferred Revenue Deferred Revenue
13 DefRevClearing Deferred Revenue Clearing Deferred Revenue
14 DirectLabor Direct Labor * Other Current Asset
15 Estimate Estimate Non Posting
16 FailedACH Failed ACH * Non Posting
17 FxRateVariance Foreign Currency Rate Variance Other Expense
18 IndirectLabor Indirect Labor * Other Current Asset
19 InterCoPayRec Intercompany Payable Receivable Other Current Asset
20 InvInTransit Inventory In Transit Other Current Asset
21 InvInTransitExt External Inventory in Transit * Other Current Asset
22 InvtAsset Inventory Asset Other Current Asset
23 JobCostVariance Job Cost Variance * Expense
24 MatchingUnrERV Unrealized Matching Gain/Loss Other Expense
25 OpeningBalEquity Opening Balance Equity Equity
26 Opprtnty Opportunity Non Posting
27 PayAdjst Payroll Adjustment * Other Current Liability
28 PayrollExp Payroll Expense Expense
29 PayrollFloat Payroll Float Other Current Asset
30 PayrollLiab Payroll Liability Other Current Liability
31 PayWage Payroll Wage Expense
32 PSTExp Provincial Sales Tax Expense * Other Current Liability
33 PSTPay Provincial Sales Tax Payable * Other Current Liability
34 PurchOrd Purchase Orders Non Posting
35 PurchReq Requisitions Non Posting
36 RealizedERV Realized Gain / Loss Expense
37 RecvNotBill Inventory Received Not Billed Other Current Liability
38 RefundPay Refunds Payable Other Current Liability
39 RetEarnings Retained Earnings Equity
40 RevArrng Revenue Arrangement Non Posting
41 RndERV Rounding Gain / Loss Other Expense
42 RtnAuth Return Authorization Non Posting
43 RtnNotCredit Inventory Returned Not Credited Other Current Asset
44 SalesOrd Sales Order Non Posting
45 SalesTaxPay Sales Taxes Payable Other Current Liability
46 Tax tax accounts – various names Other Current Asset / Liability
47 TaxLiability Tax Liability Other Current Liability
48 Tegata Tegata * Other Current Liability
49 TrnfrOrd Transfer Order Non Posting
50 UnappvExpRept Unapproved Expense Reports Non Posting
51 UnappvPymt Unapproved Customer Payments Non Posting
52 UnbilledRec Unbilled Receivable * Accounts Receivable
53 UncatExpense Uncategorized Expense * Expense
54 UncatIncome Uncategorized Income Income
55 UndepFunds Undeposited Funds Other Current Asset
56 UnrERV Unrealized Gain/Loss Other Expense
57 VendAuth Vendor Return Authorizations Non Posting
58 WorkOrd Work Orders Non Posting
* means I was unable to ground the value via lookups in the range of NetSuite accounts I had access to. Use judiciously.

Gain Access to NetSuite’s Power

The key to getting more out of NetSuite is to understand the fundamental architecture of the platform. Many elements of the system are well-document. Others are less so. Most of the platform, in my assessment, “makes sense”. Meaning, it is held together logically and its architecture is well-designed thus giving you access to powerful capacities.

Share with use your special use case for Account Types so we can all get better at working with NetSuite. If you would like assistance with your NetSuite support or innovation, let’s have a conversation.

Marty Zigman

Holding all three official certifications, Marty is regarded as the top NetSuite expert and leads a team of senior professionals at Prolecto Resources, Inc. He is a former Deloitte & Touche CPA and has held CTO roles. For over 30 years, Marty has produced leadership in ERP, CRM and eCommerce business systems. Contact Marty to set up a conversation.

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About Marty Zigman

Marty Zigman

Holding all three official certifications, Marty is regarded as the top NetSuite expert and leads a team of senior professionals at Prolecto Resources, Inc. He is a former Deloitte & Touche CPA and has held CTO roles. For over 30 years, Marty has produced leadership in ERP, CRM and eCommerce business systems. Contact Marty to set up a conversation.

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6 thoughts on “NetSuite Account Special Types Reference

  1. Prakash says:

    Hi Marty, I’ve a question on Currency translation abilities in NetSuite. Does NetSuite provide the ability to define different historical rates for different equity accounts?


  2. Marty Zigman says:

    Hi Prakash,

    This question is off-topic relative to the article. I recommend sending me a note or referencing another one of my foreign currency articles.


  3. Lisa Reed says:

    When looking at our chart of accounts – many of the accounts have a blank special account type. Including the inventory. The field is not even available on the form itself. Has this feature stopped?

  4. Marty Zigman says:

    Hi Lisa,

    I don’t think it is documented. But I speculate it drives the underlying integrity of the NetSuite system.


  5. Andre says:

    Marty, have you seen a use of any other than Journal transaction to post to the Equity type of account in NetSuite?

  6. Marty Zigman says:

    Hello Andre,

    I don’t see why other transactions cannot post to equity accounts. In a development account, I had no problem using an inventory adjustment or a vendor bill hit equity.


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