This article is relevant if you would like to better understand the Content Renderer Engine (CRE) tool so you can produce high quality PDF and HTML NetSuite content.
NetSuite’s recent leadership to move content creation using the Freemarker and Big Faceless Organization (BFO Reporting) technologies is quite welcome. At the same time, once you start to work with the Advanced PDF tools as NetSuite offers them, you begin to realize that there is so much more that can be done. I have written a number of articles about the NetSuite PDF generation technology and on how our Content Renderer Engine (CRE) can solve common challenges getting at and outputting content in the NetSuite application environment. Consider the following articles:
- Solved: Custom NetSuite Item Fulfillment Ship Notifications
- How To: Password Protect NetSuite Generated PDF Files
- Supercharge NetSuite Advanced PDF/HTML Templates
- Interrogating NetSuite’s Advanced PDF / HTML Templates
- Framework for Generating Custom NetSuite PDF Files
- How To: Leverage NetSuite’s Advanced PDF / HTML Generation Tools
Indeed, NetSuite offers an API to allow you to generate custom content — and that API comes with a learning curve that must be overcome. Use that API to solve a specific requirement — and you will find it may be difficult to leverage your software development work across other situations. I have had a few NetSuite Administrators ask me for help after they developed their own API code to solve their problems — it’s simply too slow and costly. There is a much better way.
Content Render Engine Key Capacities
The Content Render Engine effectively solves for common challenges you are sure to encounter as you exercise NetSuite to generate content:
- Data Scope: Solved! Bring lots of data to your template; if you can search for it, your template can see it.
- Output Options: Generate PDFs, HTML, CSV Files as file system documents or distribute via email.
- Development Tool: Be Productive: See and work with your data and template; eliminate guess work and click fatigue.
CRE Demonstration
To learn more about the Content Renderer Engine, watch the accompanying video. Click here to contact us to request the tool.
Click here if the video does not display.
Convert Your NetSuite Advanced PDF to Enhance in the CRE Tool
It’s quite easy to convert an existing NetSuite Advanced PDF to CRE. See this short video on the process. Once your template is converted, it is easy to get at other data elements which you were challenged to referenced. In addition, you gain full control over the rendering context.
Get the Content Renderer Engine SuiteBundle
The tool represents one of the many innovations that come out of solving our client challenges. Our philosophy is to give you the tools you need to grow your business and get more value from your NetSuite investment; in return, we ask you to enter into a respectful relationship of care with our team to ensure you succeed. If you have a challenge which CRE can solve, let’s have a conversation.
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Hello Marty,
We have the CRE tool installed within our instance and it has proven to be a very valuable tool. One issue that came up is the reply to email addresses on the outgoing messages. Currently these are a message specific email address such as:
Is there any way to control the reply to email address with the CRE tool? Or is this a global setting within our instance? We want the reply to for these to just be our support/customer service email so that a case is created when replying to CRE emails. The message specific email does not create cases and rather just creates a message record.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Hello Mitch,
Glad to hear the tools are working. Yes, it should be possible because the last parameter on the nlapiSendEmail API call allows modification of the reply-to address. I just reviewed the code and that parameter is not being set. You can enhance CRE or we can do it for you. Just let me know and we can plan.
Actually, I am unable to find CRE Profile tool under customization tab. will you please explain how to enable.
All of our bundles, including CRE, are available for no charge under professional services engagements. Can you send me the specifics of your use case to this URL and we get it working for you?