Congratulations – your business is growing. But do you have the right tools that help you effectively utilize the right people that will help your business to grow, or is there a more cost effective way to go about managing that growth?
Many companies are going to have to hire administrators to help management keep track of simple functions like order entry, scheduling, shipping, and marketing. These coordinators, or clerks – while essential – are an added expense that can be avoided if there was an easy way to coordinate these functions. An effective NetSuite implementation can manage and coordinate these functions more efficiently because it retains all of the information that these clerks are busy tracking down.
Here are three major areas where you could be saving money:
1. Front Office Marketing/Sales
If a company is growing, it is clear that they’re investing in marketing and sales. These investments usually go into the production of content, advertising, and outbound communications. Traditionally, a company not using NetSuite is instead uses a variety of different tools to try and help perform this function. More people will be hired, and these people will in turn create their own tracking system to try to manage this. But if they were using NetSuite, they could gather up and organize this information, and decide which campaigns need which functions. To put it simply – all the time and money spent gathering the data is done seamlessly and flawlessly in NetSuite.
On the sales side, there is usually a a fair amount of information to organize. For example, some companies may purchase names, phone numbers, and emails, and then want the sales team to outbound communicate with people on the list to see if they are interested in the product or service. But here’s the breakdown – that list is often distributed either via a spreadsheet, or a CSV, or even a Word doc – and soon enough, it becomes very difficult to track the progress of a team’s effort. Someone needs to be hired to track that progress. With NetSuite, there does not need to be as many coordinators, because all of the information is stored in one system.
2. Back Office
What we see in traditional environments is that there are a multitude of systems – from capturing the order, to shipping, to the logistics of sending, to invoicing, etc. All of these functions are pushed off onto coordinators, who desperately try to hold the world together because these systems aren’t talking to each other.
As a business grows, more of these people are hired to work to hold the world together. But with NetSuite, you would need far less people to coordinate these functions – because everything, from shipping to logistics to invoicing – is all on the same record. Thus, the recording and coordinating functions become less important, and you can focus on hiring in areas that strengthen the growth and service of your business.
3. Analytics
In a growing company, management needs information to steer. If there are a bunch of systems, it is difficult to get at information. Management may feel that they do not understand exactly how all these systems are running, how they are performing, and they may ask themselves – should I be in better control? Should we make more investments?
In this type of environment, the systems are usually held together by various IT types. This information gathering process is cumbersome, faulty, costly, and time consuming. Management may accept this as a necessary evil and feel they must add more people in these functions as the business grows. But in a NetSuite world, the information is stored together. That means you don’t need to hire people to maintain this information, because it is already in one place. Information can be consolidated, and the business’s scalability is much greater.
In summary, NetSuite helps a business becomes more effective and efficient. Low value activities are processed in the system versus with coordinators. The normal cycle of growing administrative functions which leads to expenses – ends with NetSuite. Companies can make their organization leaner, and ultimately, enjoy a higher gross margin.
Copyright © Marty Zigman 2011