This article is relevant if you need a way to update the status on many NetSuite item fulfillment records.
NetSuite does not provide an easy way to change the status of item fulfillment records using CSV imports. Thus, NetSuite Administrators may need a handy way to bulk update the status between Picked, Packed, or Shipped. I wrote a similar article in 2018 for bulk updates on tracking numbers.
SuiteScript 2.0 for Mass Update Item Fulfillment Status
Referencing my 2013 article on NetSuite filter criteria internal status codes, you will discover the values of ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ representing ‘Picked’, ‘Packed’, or ‘Shipped’ respectively. Thus, you can create a custom NetSuite Mass Update with a parameter to modify the shipping status to the desired state. Below is the SuiteScript code pattern to cut-and-paste into a file to get started. Click on images to see how to set up the mass update script.
/** * @NApiVersion 2.x * @NScriptType MassUpdateScript * @NModuleScope SameAccount */ define([ 'N/error', 'N/record', 'N/runtime'], function(error, record, runtime) { //offered to the NetSuite community from Marty Zigman @ Prolecto Resources, Inc. function each(params) { var funcName = "UpdateItemShipStatus " + params.type + " " +; // Script Parameter first var objCurScript = runtime.getCurrentScript(); var param_strShipStatus = objCurScript.getParameter({ name : 'custscript_shipstatus' }); if (!param_strShipStatus) return true; try { record.submitFields({ type : params.type, id :, values : { 'shipstatus' : param_strShipStatus /* Use value such as 'A', 'B' or 'C' Item Fulfillment:Picked ItemShip:A Item Fulfillment:Packed ItemShip:B Item Fulfillment:Shipped ItemShip:C */ } }); } catch (ex) { log.audit(funcName + ', Error: ', JSON.stringify(ex)); } return true; } return { each : each }; } );
NetSuite Power Tools with Expert Help
This article is a great example of how to use a simple script to drive NetSuite. The NetSuite platform is designed to be adapted to solve business challenges. The more competent the community becomes with the platform, the more competitive we make our respective organizations. Let’s spend the time to develop our skills to deepen our knowledge to drive solutions.
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