Learn how to Hide NetSuite Sublist Buttons and Other HTML Elements

NetSuite Technical

This article is relevant if you want to hide some buttons and other HTML elements on NetSuite forms.


NetSuite’s point-and-click customization system is generally good for giving administrators the ability to change the NetSuite presentation layer. However, recently, a client came to us asking a simple question:

"How can I remove the buttons on the Invoice > Communication Sub Tab?  I want to remove:
Customize View"

Fortunately, I have experienced members on our team that have strong fundamental web and database development skills. Thus, they know how to answer these kinds of questions.

These specific sublist buttons are not available for removal via the point-and-click customization. You often can hide the entire tab — but many times, that is not what we want to do. We just need more refined control over the situation.

How to Hide NetSuite User Interface Elements

While NetSuite does not recommend you modify the user interface without using its built-in tools and libraries, there are times when we must take matters into our own hands. We must always remember that the NetSuite client presentation layer is (complex) HTML and thus we can use client-side JavasScript to get control. This kind of browser programming is called the Document Object Model (DOM) which provides the API layer to make HTML interactive. As such, all we need to is to know is a few key things:

  1. JQuery: NetSuite provides a reference to the JQuery add-in library by default. Thus it is convenient for DOM operations.
  2. HTML IDs: We need to know the IDs of the target HTML elements we want to manipulate.
  3. Script: We need to inject some client-side JavaScript into the HTML to get ultimate control.

Click on related images to learn how to discover the names of the buttons that you want to hide.

NetSuite Client-Side Script to Hide Buttons

Below is a NetSuite beforeLoad server-side 2.0 SuiteScript to create a hidden HTML field that allows you to inject browser-based client-side JavaScript (not a NetSuite conventional client script)  that will then find the buttons and use CSS to change the visibility to hidden via JQuery.

//create an inline html field
var hideFld = context.form.addField({
	label:'not shown - hidden',
	type: serverWidget.FieldType.INLINEHTML

//for every button you want to hide, modify the scr += line
var scr = "";
scr += 'jQuery("#print").hide();';
scr += 'jQuery("#addmessage").hide();';
scr += 'jQuery("#addcontact").hide();';

//push the script into the field so that it fires and does its handy work
hideFld.defaultValue = "<script>jQuery(function($){require([], function(){" + scr + ";})})</script>"

Get Expert NetSuite Customization Help

In my mind, one of the major reasons NetSuite is so valuable is that we can enhance the system to address our business concerns. Even if NetSuite does not expose every business element for manipulation, there is sufficient room to be creative to “get the job done”. If you have a NetSuite challenge and you need strong professionals who will listen, understand, invent and deliver on innovations, let’s have a conversation.

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Marty Zigman

Holding all three official certifications, Marty is regarded as the top NetSuite expert and leads a team of senior professionals at Prolecto Resources, Inc. He is a former Deloitte & Touche CPA and has held CTO roles. For over 30 years, Marty has produced leadership in ERP, CRM and eCommerce business systems. Contact Marty to set up a conversation.

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About Marty Zigman

Holding all three official certifications, Marty is regarded as the top NetSuite expert and leads a team of senior professionals at Prolecto Resources, Inc. He is a former Deloitte & Touche CPA and has held CTO roles. For over 30 years, Marty has produced leadership in ERP, CRM and eCommerce business systems. Contact Marty to set up a conversation.

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25 thoughts on “Learn how to Hide NetSuite Sublist Buttons and Other HTML Elements

  1. Steven says:

    Hey Marty,

    I tried this out, but I’m getting the following error:

    TypeError: Cannot read property “FieldType” from undefined (/SuiteScripts/hide_buttons.js#13)

    Line 13 is the var hideFld section. Thoughts?

  2. Marty Zigman says:

    Hi Steven,

    You will need to use the browser inspection to see what is happening in your script if this is client side. Add console.log statements to help you step through your code. Yet, this looks like it may a server-side suitelet error. Thus, confirm you are actually connected to the context object in your definition. I suspect that you may not have set up your SuiteScript 2.0 Define and Require statements correctly.


  3. David says:

    Hi Marty,

    Great thanks for you blog, it is very useful.
    We have a similar issue in our company. We need to hide the component sublist from the item forms and any transaction forms where this is shown as it contains very sensitive information and only a really small number of person can have access to this (read and/or write).
    Can we consider this in the same way?


  4. Marty Zigman says:

    Hello David,

    Yes, you should be able to. The key to this is to be willing to find the elements you need and then use some DOM (via JQuery) commands to add custom CSS. Of course, there is some risk in this approach but that’s an assessment for you to make. I may write another article on this.


  5. Larrry says:

    Hi Marty,

    This does not seem to work on the LineInit function.

    Do you have an alternative for this? My goal is to hide the ‘add,remove, etc’ buttons from a sublist.


  6. Steve Reeder says:

    Hi Marty

    Great tip! Very useful.

    In a similar vein, are you aware if there is a way to change the colour of the native buttons on forms?

    I have tried:

    var scr = ‘jQuery(“#tdbody_custpage_printdocumentsv2”).css(“backgroundColor”, “#blue”);’;

    But no result.

    custpage_printdocumentsv2 is the internal ID of the button created with UES.



  7. Brian Waugh says:


    You mentioned Client Script 2.0 which I think is misleading since you should be putting this code as a UserEvent Script which triggers a script on the client side. Client Scripts don’t have a beforeLoad trigger and they don’t have context.form and you must use a UserEvent script for contexts such as ‘view’ as client scripts don’t trigger on those contexts.

    I just want to help those folks out here who are confused such as Steven above.

    I’ve done similiar work here mimicking the message 2.0 api’s using userEvent scripts to create a automated alerts for transactions within configurable saved searches.

    Thanks – Brian

  8. Marty Zigman says:

    Hi Brian,

    You have a very good point. I think I have misled folks by calling it client-side script. In my mind, I was thinking client-side (as in the browser) but in NetSuite listening, we know this is a specific script type. Here is the issue. The actual logic to hide the button (the jQuery part) is obviously being performed in the browser, and thus, “classically speaking” it is in a client script.

    But using NetSuite’s terminology, we are NOT putting it into what NetSuite calls a “Client Script.” Rather, it is a snippet of code that we are injecting from a User Event script. We have to do it this way, because, in VIEW mode, we can’t attach a true NetSuite Client-Side script.

    I will update the language a bit in the article. Thank you for reaching out and helping it be more clear.


  9. Mat Behr says:

    Hi Marty,

    Great Article, I am new to scripting in netsuite, how to do get this script to trigger before the record is loaded?



  10. Marty Zigman says:

    Hello Mat,

    This script is running on the client but is served by the server in the beforeLoad record event. I recommend checking out Eric’s website for all kinds of help for learning how to program in NetSuite:



  11. Paul Fleetwood says:

    Is there any way to apply this type of script to a Dashboard Tile portlet – I am trying to hide some text on the Tile using jQuery but it seems the Tiles are encased with iFrames, so I am struggling to get any jQuery placed elsewhere on the page (i.e. in a custom HTML Portlet) to impact the Tiles

  12. Marty Zigman says:

    Hi Paul,

    There probably is. I would have to dig into it. Walking all the way back up the DOM tree can be complex.

    Consider this article:

    It should work in NetSuite because we are in the same domain.


  13. David Smith says:

    I noticed recent activity on your thread so I thought I would share my solution. Same concept but no client script running. This prevents elements from appearing on the page and then disappearing when the script runs onload.

    function() {
    function beforeLoad(scriptContext) {
    if(scriptContext.type!='view' && scriptContext.type!='edit') return;
    var form = scriptContext.form;
    form.addField({type: 'inlinehtml',id:'custpage_bluchat_msgs',label:'msg script'})
    .defaultValue = ' .subtabblock form{display: none !important;} ' +
    '.uir-action-button{display: none !important;} ';
    return {beforeLoad:beforeLoad};

  14. Marty Zigman says:

    Thank you David,

    I will need to give this a try as it should produce a better user experience.


  15. Sam Tsoi says:

    Hi Marty, Have you had a play with David’s method? Is it faster?

  16. Sam Tsoi says:

    Hi Marty,

    could you provide a working example of David’s method?


  17. Marty Zigman says:

    Hi Sam,

    Once I get a chance to try, I will write about it.


  18. Steve Reeder says:

    Something I’ve used successfully in client scripts doesn’t require you to set a custom html field.

    function fieldFocus(param) {

    function fieldStyle(param) {
    if (!param) return;
    if (!param.id || !param.style) return;
    var element = document.getElementById(param.id);


    fieldFocus allows you to control where the cursor goes.

    fieldStyle accepts {id: xxxx, style: xxxx} with id being the field/object internal id, while style is an array of normal html styles. I’ve successfully used it to hide elements where they have an id tag set.

    David’s method is also handy, and potentially could execute faster as it’s pre-defining html code, it could also be overridden by html executed from a client script.

    I’ve also used BeforeLoad scripts to preload other libraries such as tabulator.js

  19. Marty Zigman says:

    Thanks Steve. Always good to get another approach.


  20. Bob says:

    Hi Marty,

    I tried this solution, and it’s working as well as sublist line buttons (removed the “Insert” and “Remove” button using this). Can this be done as well to disable the buttons? I tried using the .prop() jQuery API to disable them, but to no avail.

  21. Marty Zigman says:

    Hello Bob,

    To disable buttons is a different approach. A search revealed this suggestion:

    If you were going to use JQuery, not only will you need to modify the look to be disabled, but you will also need to modify the event binding so that the actions do not happen. That’s why hiding is easier.


  22. Priya says:

    Hi Marty,
    This code worked for me but it shows an empty table coulmn and has colour.. How do I change it.

  23. Vernon Gibson says:

    @Priya, Probably a little late to the party for this but here’s what I did to overcome the left over sub-table and main-table cell that was left behind…

    In my case, I was removing buttons from child record sublists on a custom record… We wanted to hide the “New X” buttons based on certain conditions such as the parent record being in a status of Complete or Cancelled.

    I used the code from Marty and through inspection of the page source I identified what element was holding the button, followed it up to the of the main-table, and I used the below jQuery to hide one element up from the target… I had to do this because the code NetSuite generates for the main table did not name/id the elements…

    scr += ‘jQuery(“#targetElement”).closest(“td”).hide();’;

    So, in the case of whatever element you removed… if there was a table being left behind with no name/id to target, you can just use .closest(“[TAG]”) before .hide() to target it.

  24. Sagar Hiray says:

    Great thanks for your blog, it is very useful.

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