This article is relevant if you are seeking to produce a saved search that looks for particular patterns in numeric values that are fractional.
Recently, when working with a client using NetSuite Work Orders and Assembly Operations which we automated, we found a situation where the assembly components were consuming fractional quantities on a NetSuite assembly build. In order to inspect the problem, we needed a query to help us find problematic transactions.
How to use NetSuite Oracle Functions to get Fractional Values
In order to get fractional values, the trick is to use NetSuite’s Formula (Numeric) field search. In our case, we wanted to find any quantity where the number had a decimal. To do this, we use the Oracle MOD function. See screen shot below for how to write the formula. By using this in the Criteria filter, we are able to find all orders where the quantities have fractional units.
Get Superior Help
Understanding that NetSuite is a powerful platform that runs on top of Oracle means that you can query the system if you know how to produce the right criteria. Much of the time, having individuals with superior diagnostic qualities is a function of understanding many different disciplines. If you believe that you need stronger talent to get more out of your NetSuite invest, contact us.