NetSuite Bundles

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Prolecto Content Renderer Engine (CRE) 1.0

Provides ability to create complex documents (PDFs), emails and general string output using NetSuite's Freemarker, or Trimpath template engine implementation. The system includes utilities to generate locale specific content. Subsystem for multiple record requests in Admin, Business User of Fully Automated contexts.

Bundle ID

Ask for Bundle ID: 81121.

Version History


All changes related to Accept Pay Tech stubs:
  1. Added AES key parameter.  Used for the print CRE suitelet
  2. Added case in switch to handle case where the CRE page is "SUCCESS_PAGE" inside the POST.  This is to handle an error reported at Hirsch but that I've been unable to reproduce in Alen dev.
  3. Added "system is down" functionality
  4. Enhanced library files to remove conde duplication in js override files
  5. Support for pay from Quote link in transaction process manager
  6. Adding CC_CONSTS ref from app settings where missing.


A minor revision to the CRE1 library to support the Prolecto Accept Pay Bundle requirements.  Notes:

  • CRE1 is now a deprecated application.  No upgrades are possible for clients
  • CRE2 is now supported going forward


New Workflow Action: Send CRE Email Delay (run with the Queue Manager and CRE proxy record)
Updates for related dependent applications
-CC payment process manager convenience fee: Tweaking queue manager parameter to give up after 1 attempt: If it fails, simply log the error.  
-creLibrary20.js: setting modulescope to public for use in external scripts.
-Save Record Version Scheduled Script: Adding missing variable initialization before reschedule


Minor refinements.  Note, removed upgrade capacities by removing direct permissions; support requires direct coordination with Prolecto.


Clean up for script definition consistencies. Multiple usability refinements. Significant upgrade that may break compatibility for older installations. Note, do not upgrade this application without advisement from Prolecto Resource guidance.


Minor stability refinements.


Revisions for multiple refinements:
  1. Support for NetSuite operators on linked saved searches
  2. Additional Company information metadata lookup
  3. Ability to work with Prolecto Queue Manager
  4. Stability Refinements to the Testor
  5. Better error handling for common set up situations.
  6. Updates to technical guides. 


Refinements for minor errors related to message body information.


Refinements for minor errors.


Major release for clean up of logging, refinements, noted concerns, and IDE stability.  As always, do NOT UPGRADE without Prolecto Resources guidance.


Removal of unnecessary App Setting components.


  • Includes PRI Accept CC Pay App Settings Import stubs
  • Handling of false positive trimpath errors
  • Moving log execution rendering AND syntax transformation to within try/catch
  • Resolving error during nlapiCreateError call


Refine required in call back completion URL.


Significant enhancements that may break existing suitelets that consume the central library due to better bubbling for error handling. Increased capacity for the testing tool to reveal execution log as well as display errors more cleanly. Enhanced callback mechanisms for better dynamic URL / parameter generation


CRE Profile record has a new field for specifying the attachment or attachments. This field is to the right of the Document Name.
  • CRE Profile “TP: Sample Customer Details Profile” has been renamed to “TP: Sample Customer Details with Attachments” and enhanced to attach any files to the email, which are attached to the root transaction 
  • Created an additional saved search of Transaction Attachments (called: “CRE Profile [Sample]: Transaction Attachments”) and added it to the bundle (it is referenced in the above profile) 
  • The TEST Suitelet has been enhanced to let you edit the Additional Attachments field, and show you the results after you run the process


New stub references to support work in with Accept Payment Technologies.


Updates for CSV import maps to support dependent bundles.


Driven from work related to Credit Card Customer Statement, Refinement on HTTP Request to pass in RegEx object to obscure any sensitive data.


Provided example 2.0 scripts to have a button fire the SuiteLet.


Revision to support better filtering on input batch processor.


Extension in Advanced Settings to support referencing the email generated to related entity, transaction or custom record.


Refinement to allow for more flexible filtering on Batch Header record management.


Refinement to drive Ignore Bounced Emails which effectively drive NetSuite Bulk vs. Transactional Email routing.


Enhancement to support web form capacities with HTTP input request processor. Example patterns.


Refinements for proper distribution elements discovered in 20171231.RC


Updates to specify a specific form to use when loading the root record.


Revisions to incorporate specific reply-to email addresses independent from the standard employee record.


Updates for request input utility to support more flexible connection options.


Enhancements to support larger textarea for template syntax in CRE Profile metadata fields. Extend Country table to hold 3 character codes.


Ability to not have a child CRE profile line reference a parent allowing for static search definitions. Scaffolding for NetSuite Pivot Table with Suitelet launcher.


Ability to call out to a remote URL (SuiteLet or other) after execution.


Added ability to add filters on CRE Batch Request Object


Refinements to run NoUI mode for batch automated mode.


Updates to streamline the automation of PDF / HTML batch mode generation.


Refinements to accommodate more than 1,000 locale elements in a profile reference.


  1. Support for deeper joins
  2. Bounce notifications profile option
  3. Form button generator refinements
  4. Refinements for testing suitelets including locale references
  5. Refinements for execute function
  6. New references to JQuery given NetSuite's deprecated announcements.


New batch based sub system to allow the ability to process multiple records that need to be targeted for CRE generation.   Three primary modes of operation: 
  1. Administrator: use a saved search to drive selection of records similar to a Mass Update style record selector.
  2. User Sublist: reference a saved search during deployment to use off another record.  For example, on the customer record, select related transactions that need to be generated.
  3. Hands Off Scheduled: Using a saved search, run as scheduled


  1. Refinements for message body to support long text
  2. Updates to locale element database


  1. Refinements for Locale references including use of currency references.
  2. New utility to allow Administrators an easy way to execute a CRE Profile. 


1.  Add capacity to specify the applicable countries related to a locale to facilitate linking customer preferences.


Significant enhancements for Locale elements:
1.  Lookup elements and translate to target locale
2.  Format currencies and date formates according to locale and transaction preference


  1. Break 1,000 record limitation
  2. Work with aggregates
  3. Deprecated use of Handlebars due to slowness in tester
  4. Cleaned up and enhanced syntax checker
  5. Enhanced linking logic

Obtain Access to Prolecto Content Renderer Engine (CRE) 1.0 Bundle

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Marty Zigman

Holding all three official certifications, Marty is regarded as the top NetSuite expert and leads a team of senior professionals at Prolecto Resources, Inc. He is a former Deloitte & Touche CPA and has held CTO roles. For over 30 years, Marty has produced leadership in ERP, CRM and eCommerce business systems. Contact Marty to set up a conversation.

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